Road Policing and Road Safety
Along the complex and confusing journey that young people have into modern adulthood, the ability to drive is one of the most constructive elements.
The independent & reasoned voice of the late Paul Smith on ALL aspects of road management and safety. Note...'Safe speed ' still needs funding so join and enable Paul's work to continue after his untimely death.
THE ROAD " of the most innovative and effective motorcycle rider development resources available offering personal coaching for your journey through life - on and off the bike...."
The novice driver problem is a complex one, and the measures taken over recent years have had little impact on the novice safety record. This situation is well recognised but not understood, and a change in approach is being called for. After vehicle control is mastered, safety is determined by how drivers think and decide what to do.
The government agency responsible for all aspects of driver training and testing. They are responsible for reviewing and changing the outdated training and testing regimes that currently miss out extreme weather conditions, night time and Motorway driving. We are pleased to hear that Steve Haley will be involved in these reviews.
We are very pleased to tell you that during 2008 as well as running our usual BikeSafe and BikeSafe/FBoS Courses for all motorcyclists (which cost £80.00 per weekend excluding lunch), we are working closely with local councils who are going to cover the cost of the courses for those riders who live within the counties of Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham.
Traffic and Transport statistics including accident causation from the STATS19 reporting system for 1995 latest.
The Road Safety Organisation for South Africa. A much more comprehensive, user friendly and informative road safety organisation's website and that in a 3rd world country with very complex social and political problems.
The safety camera partnershipsin Wales have merged to become one. They are no longer Arrive Alive and The Mid and South Wales Camera Partnerships but Go Safe. We prefer to call them the Unholy Alliances. They compare very unfavourably with most other similar organisations, particularly with those from Florida and South Africa. They are probably the most dishonest and abusive speed camera operators
The website of the Seminole County COMMUNITY TRAFFIC SAFETY TEAM impressed us with their wide range of friendly and sensible initiatives such as the 'Share the road' and 'Kidszone' programs. The Share the road philosophy is certainly applicable in the UK where we have an epidemic of road rage incidents. We gave Richard Brunstrom information on these organisations 3yrs ago in a Mold meeting RESULT
A highly acclaimed new book that explains the vital but untaught "thinking skills" that can really put drivers in control of the dangers they face.
We include this link because the maintenace of our roads is a controversial issue and effects our safety and our vehicles longevity .... The webmaster says... I have been in the "materials" bit of highways construction and maintenance for over thirty five years, and I have been in the this web publishing thing for just over eight, that is how long this website has been in existence.
They say ...Objective of the National Road Safety Diary
To provide easy access to a single, comprehensive, reliable, and up to date listing of future UK road safety events (excluding commercial training courses, trade shows etc). The benefits are: By getting your event listed, you will reach a wider audience.
By checking the Diary when you are arranging an event, you will avoid clash
This pressure group claims to be a road safety charity. They are a pressure group with a complex, often irrational and sometimes abusive range of policies. They were founded on extreme but understandable emotion and use emotional blackmail routinely in their campaigns. This site includes some useful information and as their pressurising activities seriously distorts government policy we should be
The decision to use these resources where they are guaranteed to result in huge numbers of fines, instead of where they will detect and discourage dangerous driving, is likely to have cost lives. The DORSET "safety" camera partnerships say that this is about making speeding socially unacceptable and generating respect for speed limits, but with the help of some very poor speed limit decisions from
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